Welcome to London's Paige...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Old Man Winter

Here are a few random photos from the last few post-Xmas weeks. London is just past 6 months old now, and doing very well. She is rolling over all the time and almost crawling on her stomach...she can scoot around pretty quickly on her back. We are eagerly awaiting Grandpa and Grandma Williams' visit in 2 weeks. Stay tuned for more updates...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

...And the stockings were hung from the chimney with care

Sorry it's been a while since the blog was updated, but it's been a great few weeks. London enjoyed her 1st Christmas, New Years, non-bottle food, and was Baptized! We really enjoyed being back in Rochester for 2 weeks visiting all our family and friends. There are 2 new links to the left.